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- on startMovie
- Set_CDcounter(3)
- initLesson()
- CheckForTagWd()
- end
- on HideLastStep
- unLoadCast()
- RestoreHilites()
- end
- on TheinitCursor
- initCursorCastNum()
- initCursorList(1)
- set CursorCastNum to getCursor(2)
- cursor([CursorCastNum, CursorCastNum + 1])
- end
- on checkScreenStatus
- CheckRollOver()
- CheckSnakeStatus()
- go(the frame)
- end
- on BlinkNext
- if (the timer > getTimer()) and not soundBusy(2) then
- startTimer()
- if the name of cast the castNum of sprite get_NEXTSprite() = "NEXT" then
- set the castNum of sprite get_NEXTSprite() to the number of cast "NEXT_E"
- else
- set the castNum of sprite get_NEXTSprite() to the number of cast "NEXT"
- end if
- end if
- end
- on GoNext
- if not get_Disabled() then
- sound stop 2
- if Get_NEXT() = 1 then
- go("t1")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 2 then
- go("t2")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 3 then
- go("t3")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 4 then
- unLoadCast(103, 150)
- go("t4")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 5 then
- go("t6")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 6 then
- go("t6_blink")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 7 then
- go("t18")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 8 then
- go("t7")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 9 then
- go("t8")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 10 then
- go("t9")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 11 then
- go("t11")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 12 then
- go("t12")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 13 then
- go("t13")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 14 then
- go("t15")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 15 then
- go("t16")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 16 then
- go("t17")
- else
- if Get_NEXT() = 17 then
- GoNextMovie()
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- Set_NEXT(Get_NEXT() + 1)
- end if
- end
- on stopMovie
- sound stop 1
- unLoad()
- setEmptyCursor()
- end
- on GoNextMovie
- PlaySound("GOSOUND.SO1")
- SaveHilite()
- Add_CDcounter(1)
- set cdNum to Get_CDcounter()
- set movieName to item cdNum of Get_CurrentSnakeScreens()
- go("INIT" & Get_ScreenSubject(), movieName & ".GEO")
- end
- on visLamp bool
- set the visible of sprite 21 to bool
- set the visible of sprite 22 to bool
- end
- on InitLamp bool
- visLamp(0)
- UpdateCursors(20, 3)
- UpdateCursors(22, 0)
- set the castNum of sprite 20 to the number of cast "lamp_Off"
- end
- on unSetMouseEvents
- global puppetList
- set puppetList to []
- repeat with i = 1 to 48
- add(puppetList, the puppet of sprite i)
- if not (the puppet of sprite i) then
- set the puppet of sprite i to 1
- end if
- end repeat
- play frame "outLamp"
- end
- on setMouseEvents
- global puppetList
- set the mouseDownScript to EMPTY
- set the mouseUpScript to EMPTY
- set the keyDownScript to EMPTY
- set the keyUpScript to EMPTY
- repeat with i = 1 to 48
- if getAt(puppetList, i) = 0 then
- set the puppet of sprite i to 0
- end if
- end repeat
- play done
- end
- on dont
- dontPassEvent()
- end
- on HandleLamp
- sound stop 2
- if the name of cast the castNum of sprite 20 = "lamp_On" then
- set the castNum of sprite 20 to the number of cast "lamp_Off"
- set the visible of sprite 21 to 0
- set the visible of sprite 22 to 0
- UpdateCursors(22, 0)
- set the castNum of sprite 34 to the number of cast "EXITLAMP"
- updateStage()
- unSetMouseEvents()
- else
- set the castNum of sprite 20 to the number of cast "lamp_On"
- UpdateCursors(22, 3)
- set the visible of sprite 21 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 22 to 1
- updateStage()
- PlaySound("NCT06015.T01")
- displayTip(22)
- end if
- updateStage()
- end
- on displayTip theExitBtnSp
- global exitTheLoop
- set exitTheLoop to 0
- set the mouseDownScript to "dont"
- set the mouseUpScript to "dont"
- set the keyDownScript to "dont"
- set the keyUpScript to "dont"
- set the exitLock to 0
- repeat while not exitTheLoop
- if the mouseCast = the number of cast "EXITLAMP" then
- set the cursor of sprite 48 to [404, 405]
- else
- set the cursor of sprite 48 to [400, 401]
- end if
- if the mouseDown and (the mouseCast = the number of cast "EXITLAMP") then
- switchExitLampButt(theExitBtnSp, "EXITLAMP_D")
- end if
- end repeat
- set the exitLock to 1
- set the cursor of sprite 48 to 0
- HandleLamp()
- end
- on switchExitLampButt spriteNum, castDown
- global exitTheLoop
- set flag to 0
- set SaveCast to the castNum of sprite spriteNum
- set flag to swapExitLampCast(spriteNum, SaveCast, castDown)
- repeat while the mouseDown
- set flag to swapExitLampCast(spriteNum, SaveCast, castDown)
- end repeat
- if flag = 1 then
- set exitTheLoop to 1
- end if
- end
- on swapExitLampCast spriteNum, SaveCast, castDown
- if rollOver(spriteNum) then
- set the castNum of sprite spriteNum to the number of cast castDown
- updateStage()
- return 1
- else
- set the castNum of sprite spriteNum to the number of cast SaveCast
- updateStage()
- return 0
- end if
- end